Thursday, March 6, 2008

Speakeasy... MCTC students meet the "Open Mic"

Last night I really enjoyed watching some of my students at this Open Mic event at Penn's Art Cafe... I must say I was impressed by some of their pieces... Marques, Nick, Sheraina, Nick, Fatima, Donte', Miles, Denzel, and Damon--all got up to do an original or pre-written poem... It took a lot of courage... It was funny--one of the Penn students got up to do their piece and completely singled me out... By asking me the question... "Can I take you out for some ice cream?" Oh how my kids thought that was funny... This dude really got up there and embarrassed the shit out of me... I'm just glad he didn't try to get at me later on... I definitely had fun, and would go again to support my students... Maybe next time I'll got up there and do a little something...

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