Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ciroc... The Experience...

Yesterday X called to ask about whether or not Cebu was still poppin' on Tuesday nights... After a little while we started talking about what was new... I told him that I was interviewing and trying to move to New York in July... Of course he asked a lot of questions and said that we needed to toast to the nest step of my career... He said that he was going to come over with a bottle of Puffy's new Ciroc Vodka... Well he showed up a little before 8:00pm with a new bottle and some cranberry juice... We toasted, took shots, and had mixed drink... Point blank we had a ball... We discussed everything under the sun... He told me about being in Jamaica--then Spain... As a clothing designer, he gets to travel the world... I am not sure when the conversation began to change... but innocent conversation about life and relationships-- turned into what "attracted" us to one another...

We met at the DJ Premier party I went to with Gil and Joc at World Cafe live last August... I felt someone staring at me--and when I turned there was this 6'5, light-skinned, cool looking guy looking at me... When I finished my small talk with Khalid--I walked over to him and introduced myself... I figured there was no reason to waste an opportunity... We chatted a little, I gave him my number, and then left to go find my friends... Later that week he called and we talked here and there... We ran into each other again, at a B-day party for Michael Blackson at Cebu--and I couldn't really spend time with him, because I was with my friends and Marty was watching me from the DJ booth...

We hung out a few times--but we were both seeing other people... I just assumed he wasn't really that attracted to me... He never commented or tried anything, so we just had a really cool friendship... We chilled, watched movies, and talked... Nothing more... Whoever said things between two people can change in an instant--ain't never lie! As I said earlier... I have no idea when the conversation changed or when I thought it was ok to sit on his lap and kiss him... but DAMN... I enjoyed every bit of it... The kissing, the touching, the sucking, and the licking... We kind of kept it PG-13... lol... On some real shit... He could've gotten it an way he wanted it last night... He definitely had me open...

I don't know where the boldness came from... Yes I do... the Ciroc... lol... but it was worth the ill hangover I had today!

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