Sunday, March 2, 2008

First Saturday...

So I have just started seeing this new guy... Jon... Today he asked me to go out to dinner with him, his best friend, and his girlfriend... Of course I said-- "sure"... he's a really nice guy... But I was definitely thinking to myself--"damn, he wants me to meet his friends already"... Well we went to this little cute Soul Food spot--and we had a really good time... It was nice hanging out with new people, without all of the bullshit... We all laughed, talked shit, eat a lot of food, and had great conversation... It's funny, because Jon caught me completely off guard... We met at the XO Lounge while I was working the door for Dennis' ass... There he was this big 6'0 guy with a sweet smile... Trying to have a conversation with me, because he couldn't stop looking at my eyes... He really made me smile! Anyway, after that he knew that he wanted to get to know me... So I gave him a chance... Everyday he sends me text messages or calls... Asking me about everything and anything he can think of...

After going out for dinner, I go home and get changed... I decided I was going to go to Millcreek Tavern for 1st Saturday... and I haven't done that in almost a year... Well of course I run into a few people that I know... it's like no matter where I go now--I am bound to bump into somebody... The first of the night was Anwar... lol... This was an interesting moment, because we met there over a year ago... He is extremely handsome, tall, light brown, and sweet... Too bad he has a crazy side to him... Later that night, he sent a text message about me being on his mind... Next on the list was Dells and Ferno... seeing the two of them made me think about Marty... It's crazy, because whenever I see Ferno and Marty isn't around--I swear he looks at me or tries to touch me in a sexual way... I can't put my finger on it... but I know he is open to some real inappropriate shit if given the opportunity... Last, but certainly not least... Dennis comes over to me, while I am dancing and flirting with Jon... Go figure he would bring his ass around... THANK goodness I was drunk as hell! I had a damn ball... drinking, laughing, joking, and dancing--all night... I was a lot of fun...

When the lights came on--we all left... I dropped Mar and D'ondre off... As soon as I pulled off their block Akil called... Due to me being so inebriated--I agreed to go to his house, instead of driving all the way to my house... I was there for about 3-5 minutes before I passed the hell out on the couch... lol... A few hours later, we went upstairs to go to bed... I assumed it would be simple... Come over, crash, wake-up, then go home... But of course that was not the case... It is funny how I leave one person, then its off to the next...

Now here I am sooo HUNGOVER!!!!

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