Monday, March 3, 2008

The Day After...

Ok... so I really spent the majority of Sunday in bed sleeping... I truly felt like crap! When I got home, I made a few phone calls--then was out for the count.... Derrick and I were finally able to have that long awaited conversation that needed to happen--about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness... I explained everything I felt and wanted/needed--in terms of my career... As always, he was supportive, thoughtful, and happy for me... There aren't enough words to express how I feel about MCTC and the way they have changed... It is definitely time for me to move on... Anyway, Derrick is happy--because he finally got a new job working at the VA... it certainly is about time! I felt so bad for him... We began making plans for this weekend... I really miss him... We have been friends, since I was 16 years old... Gosh--time really has flown by...

The only reason we got off of the phone, is because Jon had come over to spend time with me... Allowing Jon to come over was definitely a gamble... I don't usually allow guys that I am seeing to come to my house... But for whatever reason--it is different with him... Spending time with him this past week has been nice... He is smart, funny, personable, and has a nice smile... I am not sure if I am being fair to him though... At this point, I really don't want to be in a relationship... I am about to move to NYC and I don't want to feel obligated to anyone...

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