Friday, March 7, 2008

Rain down...

It has been raining all day... Thank God it was a PD day... no kids... Just a whole lot of work that needed to be done... Lauren and I finished grading all of the kids portfolios except for like two of them... and we distributed all the trip slips out to the 9th and 10th grade advisers... Hopefully they will follow the directions we gave them--but knowing them I doubt it...

When I finally get home, it's close to 2:30pm... and I still needed to get lunch together for Dajonna and I... I'm really going to miss my child when I move!!!!! She shredded all of my mail for for... because I am so lazy when it comes to doing it myself... There is so much stuff that needs to be done, in the next month and a half... Ugh... I hate packing!

So I go lay down, because I really needed to rest before I went to the viewing for my student's mother who died from Emphysema... It was just a week ago, that I had to call him into my office along with his sister and cousin--to tell him that his mother passed away... I will never forget the look o his face... Derrick is such a sweet kid... I really just feel awful for him...

Just as I began to fall asleep, Dennis calls... He wanted to stop by after work, to say "hi"... We had an interesting conversation... At first he was saying over and over, how he didn't miss me... Then, he decided to be honest about missing me--which is why he stopped by... Dennis claims--that I have trying to make him fall out of love with me, by being so mean to him... I looked at that fool like he was crazy... He needed to use that stupid shit on someone who believes it... I let him talk his crap, and ask me his questions... But I will say this... once we hugged and kissed--it was a wrap... I must have really wanted some, because I have not let him get any since October... I'm not gonna front... I did think about it a little... and I did miss the way he gives it to me a little... Lol... He asked questions the whole time... Asking me if I missed him, wanting me to tell him why my naughty bits no longer belonged to him, and wanting to know if it felt good... I guess he got an opportunity to remember what he lost out on...

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