Friday, March 28, 2008

Another week gone by...

I have been so busy and tired lately... They are really killing me at work... I feel as though nothing I do is enough... There more I do, the less its appreciated... I love my students and would do anything in the world for them... but the people in charge of that place make it so difficult... I really am just trying to make it until June... Once June gets here, I know it will all be over... It's sad, because this was a place, I loved and wanted to be... the people I worked with were great, kids and staff were happy... Here we are three years later--and it is not the same... Next week are the college trips for the 9th and 10th graders... Ugh... it really makes my head hurt!!! I don't know what I would have done without Shannon and Lauren... they're fantastic interns... I am going to miss them so much... Whatever agency or organization gets them when they graduate will be lucky to have them... Tomorrow hopefully won't be so bad... I have a lot of logs to finish... and I really need to have them done before I walk out of th door... I am just so unmotivated to push myself to complete them... Everything else has just gotten in the way... Pray for me...

Derrick and I talked for hours today, about everything and anything you could think of... He wanted to know about Kendall's visit and my trip to New York las week... So many things happened... So many feelings and emotions are flowing through my body... Gosh... I am so lucky to have him as a friend... I know I haven't discussed being in NYC with anyone... I kind of want to keep it to myself...

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