Sunday, June 8, 2008

The 2nd Sunday...

Yesterday I got my hair done and it is really hot! Tanya did her thing yesterday... Afterwards I went to see my little sister and my nephew... I haven't seen them in a while, so it was nice being with them... So we talked about so many things... I told her about the different things going on in my life and the different people in it... She gave me her two sense about what she thinks I should and should not be doing... But the bottom line is that, she wants me to be happy... and for the most part I am... When I left Norristown, I decided to go to Aunt Alice's house to see her and Mommy... Time is really flying by... while I was in Ardmore, all I kept thinking about was how much I am going to miss seeing my mom whenever I want to... She is not willing to come to New York on her on... I don't understand what she is afraid of... but maybe she'll get over her fears on day...

Anyway, I really was really looking good last night... I honestly was hoping that I would be able to get into some things last night, but none of my friends were really available... Of course, I was a little disappointed--because I wasn't going to go out alone last night... Instead of partying, I hung out with my family... made some cocktails and got nice...

I guess drinking really does make you tell the truth... because when I talked to my "teenage love affair"-- I told her how much I missed her, loved her, and wanted to see her... Which really wasn't possible, because again... we have our own things going on... I wanted to really have a conversation with her last night and couldn't because of nosey and noisy ass people in the background... trying to be all up in our business... The other day, she sent me a text... and it said, "I really do love you. I am in love with you." She tells me this and asks me if I regret any of the time we have spent together, and if knowing what I know now--would I have gotten into any of this with her... My answer was of course, I would do it again... I don't really believe I did anything wrong... I am young, single, and free... I am about to move a new city, and experience new things... the sky is the limit...

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