Monday, July 27, 2009

Getting back...

So for months I have been trying to make myself get back "on the horse"... the blogging horse that is... It is as if something or someone has been blocking my attention. I want so badly to be able to breath and have space. At some point I have lost my way.... Some many things have changed and I am moving on to new endeavors...


  1. New job--signed onto work with Achievement First Schools for the 2008-2009 school year.

  2. New city--moved to NYC during the summer of 2008.

  3. New living situation--stayed with the "ex of never ending emotions" and created another set of growing pains and shit to let go of.

  4. New home--finally moved into a newly renovated and remodeled apartment in BROOKLYN, NY.

  5. New relationship--began dating and eventually got into a relationship with someone who does not understand who I am or what I want and need.

  6. New professional issues--the job I relocated for turned out to be a truly toxic environment. AFE was filled with evil, stupidity, back-stabbing, racism, ignorance, and social climbing.

  7. New search--in January of 2009, I began a new job search. New loneliness--I felt lost and alone. I really was not speaking to anyone close to me--this included my family and friends. Isolating myself from those who knew and understood me--regardless of how much I may have needed them.

  8. New sense of awareness--after working in a charter school in Brooklyn this past year, I was able to see and assess a lot. The public school system in NYC is broken. There is no clear system for checks and balances which makes for very dangerous results. The question is how to do make change in such a hostile environment and how do you survive. I guess the answer is "exposing" the truth--while moving forward.

  9. New offers--after months of searching I was offered a several new opportunities. I ended up taking the one that was close in proximity to my house and a better opportunity in terms of more administrative duties at a school. This looks promising and I am excited to redevelop a counseling and school culture program.

  10. New feelings--there are so many reasons why I happy, sad, excited, scared and motivated. The trick is to keep breathing!

I won't make any promises, but I am going to really try to get back into blogging... Till then...

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