Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My President's Black... My scholars wear blue... I'm a Black woman with a lot to do!!!

Wow... So today Barak Obama was sworn in as the 44th President... It was the most overwhelming, amazing, historical moment... and here I am at 27 years old watching this in my apartment with Jessica, Fatimah, and Sharleen... The intro was real, Miss Aretha Franklin sang and touched my soul... A man who marched with Martin Luther King Jr. made a speech that was honest and clear (blacks won't have to get to the back... browns will be around... yellows stay mellow... and whites will have to embrace what's right)... lmao... They are not ready...

My heart was filled with so many emotions when my President made his first speech... This man makes me hopeful and ready for change! Our country needs this man and the change he can bring... I'm ready to pledge... As a Black woman I have a responsibility to my family and my community... I'm in the struggle and trying to do my part--which is why I am in urban education... I want so badly to make an impact and leave my mark, by effecting generations... Effecting generations is apart of my heritage... apart of my duty... I am so ready to join the "Yes We Can" team... It's true...
Martin walked, so Obama could run... Obama ran, so WE could fly! History has been made and there are not enough words to express the joy I feel...

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