Sunday, April 6, 2008

It's just one on those days...

So, I am not sure what I really want to write about... At this point I have had it with everyone... I think it's time for me to cut the excess crap out of my life... I will say that I had a great time on Friday night with Gil and company--at Patou... We drank, laughed, and danced... and to think... I didn't even want to go out... I'm glad he made me come out... I ran into my cousin Lola... lol... boy was she drunk... Anyway, I met a couple of people that I might give a chance... and I bumped into someone I already gave a chance... I'm not sure if Mike was the best person for me to hook up with again... I guess it doesn't matter because it is what it is...

Other than this, I don't have anything positive to say about my weekend... I got my hair done... touch up, trim, and curl... ran some errands... hung out with James... then I spent some time with Dennis... He often calls or send me text messages to check on me and to let me know that he was thinking about me... He told me how much he loved and missed me... and I listened... I don't know what I am going to do with the time I have left in Philly... All I really want to do is live, laugh, and love--whatever, however, and whenever I want to...